The Effect of Communication Skills and Compensation on Performance through Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being of Mental Hospital Nurses in South Sulawesi


Communication skills
Work Satisfaction
Subjective well-being

How to Cite

Mubyl, M. ., Basalamah, S. ., Mus, A. R. ., Alam, R. ., & Dwinanda, G. . (2024). The Effect of Communication Skills and Compensation on Performance through Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being of Mental Hospital Nurses in South Sulawesi. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(6), 1946–1959.


This research aims to analyze the effect of communication skills and compensation on performance through Work Satisfaction and subjective well-being of mental hospital nurses in South Sulawesi. The research was conducted at RSKD Dadi and involved 100 field samples using a saturated sampling technique. Data were analyzed using structural equation models (SEM) with the SmartPLS4 analysis tool. The research results prove that, directly, Communication skills and compensation have a positive and significant effect on Work Satisfaction; Communication skills and compensation have a positive and significant effect on subjective well-being; Work Satisfaction, communication skills, and subjective well-being have a positive and significant effect on performance; while compensation has no effect on performance. Indirectly, communication skills and compensation have a positive and significant effect on performance through Work Satisfaction; Communication skills and compensation have a positive and significant effect on performance through subjective well-being. In this latest research, it was found that nurses who can improve their communication skills will increase their Work Satisfaction and subjective well-being, so that their performance will also increase.
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