Alrogy, Majed Abdullah, Fahad Abdulfattah Ali Alalawi, Mohammed Yahya Ahmed Asiri, Mohmmad Nasser Aljahbani, Awadh Ayeydh Alghadhbani, Abdullah Ali Alazzmi, Saad Ibrahim Alazmi, Ahmed Ali Hadi Asiri, Fatemah Hussin Balharth, Ohud Hamed Albar, Ahmad Hafed Hakamy, Abdulaziz Ali Al Bin Essa, Khaled Eid Abdul Rahman Al-Otaibi, and Sheikah abdrhman ghazei alotaibi. 2024. “Post-Surgical Recovery Through Multidisciplinary Collaboration: The Integral Roles of Physical Therapy, Social Services, and Pharmacy in Optimizing Patient Outcomes”. Journal of Ecohumanism 3 (8):12769 -0.