Evaluating the Nonlinear Population-Economic Growth Nexus in MENA Countries


Economic Growth
Population Growth

How to Cite

BENGANA, I. M. ., ADELEYE, B. N. ., BOUKHELKHAL, A. A. ., OKAFOR, V. I. ., & Salim , E. I. E. . (2024). Evaluating the Nonlinear Population-Economic Growth Nexus in MENA Countries. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(7), 372–385. https://doi.org/10.62754/joe.v3i7.4208


The relation between population growth and economic growth is a complex one, and the historical quantitative evidence is ambiguous. This study contributes to the population-economic growth literature by interrogating whether the relationship is monotonic or if a turning point exists. Using panel data on a sample of 19 MENA countries from 1965 to 2018 and deploying the PSCE and FGLS techniques, the results reveal inter alia: (1) a U-shaped relation exists; (2) unemployment and financial development are negative predictors of economic growth; and (3) trade and inflation rate are positive predictors. Policy recommendations are discussed.


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