Exploring the Foundations of Leadership Excellence: A Theoretical Construct Analysis


Transformational leadership
Servant leadership
Authentic leadership
Leadership theories
Leadership excellence
Theoretical constructs
Emotional intelligence
Cognitive complexity

How to Cite

Baker, A. W. ., Abbas, Z. A. ., Majeed, Y. ., Khattab, H. Y. ., & Khlaponin, D. . (2024). Exploring the Foundations of Leadership Excellence: A Theoretical Construct Analysis. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(5), 779–797. https://doi.org/10.62754/joe.v3i5.3937


Background: Effective leadership is essential for the success of any organization. However, the notion of excellent leadership is intricate, with diverse theoretical perspectives proposed. Objective: This paper aims to analyze three prominent leadership theories, namely transformational, servant, and authentic leadership, through a systematic review of literature. Methods: A methodical exploration of peer-reviewed articles was carried out in essential databases to locate literature on the three theories released from 2017 to 2022. Results: Transformational leadership inspires followers through idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and personalized consideration. Servant leadership prioritizes follower interests, serving them first and foremost. Authentic leadership requires self-awareness and relational transparency between leaders and followers. Conclusion: While each theory provides valuable insights, combining elements from all three theories may provide the most comprehensive view of leadership excellence.

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