Responsible Ecological Behavior in Participation, Resource Saving, Recycling and Reuse in Peruvian University Students


Responsible ecological behavior
Environmental participation
Resource saving

How to Cite

Flores, J. A. ., Olivera, E. ., Flores, J. M. ., Contreras, Y. C. ., & Pulido, V. . (2024). Responsible Ecological Behavior in Participation, Resource Saving, Recycling and Reuse in Peruvian University Students. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(4), 136–150.


This paper analyzes, within the framework of responsible ecological behavior (REB), participation and environmental concern, resources saving, recycling and reuse of products in students from a Peruvian private university. Data for this study was obtained by completing self-administered questionnaires from a sample of 523 undergraduate students attending a university based in Lima and Ica, Peru. REB was segmented into three dimensions: Participation and Environmental Concern (PEC), Resources Saving (RS) and Recycling and Reuse (RR). A medium positive correlation was found between REB and PEC, while REB showed a positive correlation between the RS and RR dimensions at a significance level of 99%. A weak negative correlation was identified between REB and student gender; no correlation was found with age and region of origin. More than half of the students frequently practice habits that contribute to the protection of the environment; especially actions related to RS. RR behaviors reported less frequency in their usual practice, specifically reuse activities of aluminum cans and plastic containers, while PEC was the least common factor in pro-environmental practices. The apathy for externalization of environmental interest and lack of commitment in ecological campaigns demonstrate the low level of internalization of environmental culture in Peruvian university students.
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