Examining Hybrid Learning Perceptions of Accounting Students Using Technology Acceptance Model


Accounting Education
Student Perception
Post-Pandemic Education
Remote Learning
Higher Education
Technology Adoption

How to Cite

Ali, M. M. ., Ghani, E. K. ., Bakar, Y. N. A. ., Aziz, M. A. A. ., ., P., Hidayat, R. A. ., & Dwinda, M. . (2024). Examining Hybrid Learning Perceptions of Accounting Students Using Technology Acceptance Model . Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(3), 1879–1895. https://doi.org/10.62754/joe.v3i3.3509


This study investigated accounting students' perceptions of hybrid learning, examining its usefulness, acceptance, and factors influencing its adoption. The post-pandemic period offers a unique opportunity to understand how students perceive technology-enhanced education, particularly hybrid learning. The study employed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze students' attitudes toward technology in accounting education. By focusing on accounting students who require practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge, the study aimed to provide insights for strategic planning in university teaching. The findings would contribute to the ongoing improvement of accounting practices and the future of accounting education in response to crises.

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