UNTRM On the Global Scene: A Bibliometric Analysis of Its Scientific Production Indexed in Scopus


Bibliometric analysis
Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza
scientific production
research trends

How to Cite

Salazar, C. A. H. ., Sir, V. M. V. ., Zubiate, F. T. C. ., Paco , E. G. ., Huamán, S. E. R. . ., & Zubiate , S. C. C. . (2024). UNTRM On the Global Scene: A Bibliometric Analysis of Its Scientific Production Indexed in Scopus. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(3), 897–915. https://doi.org/10.62754/joe.v3i3.3397


The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the publications of authors affiliated with the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza (UNTRM) indexed in Scopus, in order to understand the scientific approach and research trends of this Amazonian institution. The methodology employed follows a qualitative, descriptive, non-experimental and longitudinal bibliometric approach, using the Scopus database for its broad academic coverage. A total of 455 documents related to the UNTRM were analyzed, including articles, contributions to conferences, reviews and other publications, without temporal restrictions. Data were downloaded in CSV format and processed using spreadsheets, open source software such as VOSviewer and bibliometrix R with Biblioshiny. The results reveal a significant growth in the number of UNTRM publications, with presence in high impact international journals and regional specialized sources. Prolific authors, prominent areas of knowledge such as Agricultural, Biological, Social, Environmental and Medical Sciences were identified, as well as a strong network of inter-institutional collaborations. The trend analysis showed a thematic diversity aligned with the institutional mission, encompassing biodiversity, environmental management, medicine, genetics and education, among others. In conclusion, this bibliometric study reveals a promising outlook for research at UNTRM, with remarkable growth, international presence, strong collaborations and thematic diversity relevant to the Amazon region.

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